Tuesday 22 February 2022

A cellular shop on Jalan Bantul caught fire

Tuesday (22/2) early morning, Mericis Cell which located on Bantul street 48th was devoured by the fire.

Based on informtion of witness who is also the owner of the building and lives not far from the crime scene, he said that previously he heard the sound of something burning from the direction of the Mericis Cell.

To confirm this, the witness then left the house and saw a fire in the Mericis Cell Shop on the left. Seeing this, the witness immediately asked the K24 Pharmacy guards to contact the firefighters.

Next, the witness went to the house of the head of RT 53 and ask to contact the victim to inform him that his shop was on fire. And not long after, two fire engines from Yogyakarta and UGM immediately carried out the process of extinguishing the fire.

From the victim's statement, the shop closed at 11.00pm and then returned home to the south of the shop, and did not wait for it when it was closed.

In addition, the victim also told there is an Ice Cream machine located in front of the left side that is always plugged into the electricity. Its suspected that’s cause of fire, because according to witness if the fire was first seen in the shop on the left and the worst of the fires was left side of the shop.

As a result of the incident, all the items in the shop caught fire and the roof of the shop on the left side collapsed.

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