Saturday 29 January 2022

Reviewing the location of the country's capital city, the National Police Chief wants to make sure the construction runs smoothly

East Kalimantan - The Chief of the Indonesian National Police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, directly observed the progress of the development process for the Capital state in Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan, Saturday (29/1/2022).

Sigit said that his visit together with the relevant ministries and East Kalimantan Forkopimda as well as the main official of the National Police Headquarters was to ensure that the development was proceeding according to the planned stages.

"Of course we want to know directly the conditions in the field related to the existing scheduling, whether there are still obstacles in its implementation or not," said Sigit.

In addition to the development process, Sigit emphasized, his visit was also to see and hear as well as provide direction to anticipate all forms of disturbances or problems that could interfere with the progress of the development.

"We want to know the conditions on the ground and then we can help the development progress proceed according to stages," said Sigit.

For this reason, he asked all stakeholders to ensure that the development of the nation's capital state is immediately implemented and that everything can run safely and smoothly.

From several discussions during this visit, Sigit conveyed that there were indeed a few problems in the development of its. However, everything is done through deliberation and a process that has been prepared.

"In general, there are no significant obstacles for the progress of the development of the capital," said Sigit.

"In general, there are no significant obstacles for the progress of the development of the capital," said Sigit.

He also explained that with the construction of a new capital state with the name Nusantara, an even distribution of development and the economy would occur and then also the burden that had been happening in the capital city of Jakarta could be divided.

"We see that the concept of the capital city being built has a smart forest concept and that is in line with what is an international agreement where the capital city development plan will have an environmentally friendly vision and become a hope, which can be a source of pride for all of us," said Sigit.

Learning from the success of other countries in moving the national capital, the former head of the National Police's Propam division hopes that the new state capital can become the best state capital in the world.

"We have seen in several countries by moving their capital cities so that they become the best capitals in the world and we hope to be able to answer that challenge. In addition, there is an even distribution of development, the economy, to become an environmentally friendly city and is known to the world," concluded Sigit.

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